
From The Temple of Divinity
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Disclaimer: This reference is not the official rules for the Temple of Divinity zone. Any contradiction between this page and the rules as listed in the Temple zone on Tapestries MUCK shall be ruled in favour of the on-MUCK rules.

  1. Roleplayers here must be familiar with and adherent to the Policies of Tapestries MUCK. Of particular importance are the Public Conduct, Roleplaying and TinySex, Safeword, and Harassment pages. Review of these policies is encouraged for newcomers to the zone.
  2. Do not intrude on scenes in which you are not welcome. Ask OOCly before involving yourself in a scene which does not include you. This applies to everyone, despite the themes of divinity and power inherent here.
  3. Please do not chat in OOC excessively in any public areas of the Temple. OOC discussion that interferes with IC roleplaying should be taken to whispers/pages. OOC discussions related to negotiating a scene or RP are always allowed and encouraged.
  4. Please do not spam. Messages repeated again and again, or messages stretched out vertically, are not allowed.
  5. Powers of all kinds and themes are allowed within the Temple of Divinity, whether magical or technological, or derived from any other source, but we ask that you provide some give and take when it comes to the application of your powers, even natural abilities, and use them with consent, tactfulness, and restraint. Think of how you would like your powers to be treated by others, and allow others the same courtesies you would expect. Ability and creativity are valued more than sheer force. Only extreme breaches of this guideline will result in any punishment, and that will be restricted to only the removal of your Role.
  6. To be able to enter the temple you need to set a property on yourself. The property is spread over the RULES, SIGN and ROLES pages. You need to read the pages trough and find the three snippets of text. After you have found them you need to put them together in the right order. The order is shown along with the snippet of text.

The Gods, Magic, Psionics, and Other Exceptional Ability Usage at The Temple

The Temple's Deities maintain a complex series of wards around the walls and grounds of the Temple. The wards protect people from magic, psionics, cybernetics, robotics, and other such exceptional abilities from being used in unwanted ways on or against them and/or their environment.

Because the wards are the work of the gods, they are beyond any mortal's ability to defy, circumvent, disable, or destroy. These wards cover all of the public areas of the Temple zone.

(Unless prior OOC/IC agreement is made between those involved in the scene or RP at that time.)

OOC - Please do not White Knight, Power game or Meta game a scene or an RP. If you are not currently involved in the scene when you arrive be polite and ask before you act, to see if you can join in the fun. THANK YOU.

These rules will be enforced on a three-strikes basis. The first violation will result in a warning, the second in a one-week ban, and the third in a permanent ban.