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Species: Yuenti (Undead) Tiger

Role: Sekhmet's Reaver

Description: The tiger in front of you stands at a towering thirteen feet, three and a half inches. This particular beast, while gaunt in image, seems to weigh a hefty amount. His body is covered by old ruddy orange-red fur and black stripes. Those who stare long enough at the this titanic cat may notice the subtle shifting, and movement, of his stripes as if the markings are crawling over him slowly. His species was definitely once tiger, but what he is now is clearly far from that time.

His body, covered in large scars, is the hardened frame of a warrior. His face has a worn and tired look to it without lacking the ferocity of his species, and the determination of his caste. His face is adorned with a single scar, running from the top of his brow, down and over his eye, and ending at the middle of his cheek. His eyes, a deep crimson color, have no pupil or iris. Their gaze seems to be looking to some distant and ethereal place, yet when he turns his gaze at you the stare of the tiger is, to describe it best, paralyzing.

His head is covered with the same short fur that runs over the entirety of his body, and the same moving stripes. His eyes are narrowed, as if he despises all that he sees around him, angry at the world for some unsaid reason, filled with hate and malice. The tigers muzzle tends to hang open ever so slightly; the points of dagger sized fangs peering out from under the black lined lips. Fangs that seem to be almost out of place on the beast, larger by far than they should be certainly.

Moving your gaze farther down the beasts body, you are able to now see his entire chest. The tigers body still, no breath being drawn from his chest, and the expanse of muscle that runs across it. The titanic feline looks emaciated, his belly caved in to the point where his ribs can be seen in pronounced fashion beneath the taut fur. From his back you are able to see the six wings which have been hidden all this time. Each set flexing in perfect sync with all the others. The massive black leathery looking wings are in size sets, progressively getting smaller from the top. The largest set easily spans seventeen feet across, the second largest only twelve, and the smallest set only a mere eight feet.

His arms lengthy and thin, with corded muscles pulling over the unpleasantly gaunt figure of the tiger. The powerful limbs seem to be in a constant state of tension, as if hungry to strike at whatever, or whomever, may be near enough. His paws, balled into fists, as they tend to stay, sway by his side when the feline is in motion; the gargantuan feline always ready for the instant a fight is to take place.

Still further down the massive tigers frame you notice his simple drawstring pants, made of a rough cotton, or perhaps jute. They are dyed black for the cuffs and waistband of the pants, the rest of the fabric dyed a deep crimson in color. At his hips hangs a belt with a few items on it. First, and most important to him, his sword, the Nodachi Long Sword. The lengthy blade, which dominates at seventy eight inches in length, hangs off of his right hip, in the sword sheath attached to the aged leather belt he wears.

Secondly, on his left hip hangs an orb. It glows with a soft blue hue, the perfect glass sphere held by three brass claws of abyssal imagining. A long brass chain is attached to the 'top' of the bauble and connects it to his belt. As the bauble sways in his stride, the sound of shadowed and muted whispers are heard, as if the glass ball lives all on its own.

Finishing off the massive tiger, you see behind him his tail, which is three times longer than it should be. The thirty foot tail sways high above him, its tip waving and the remainder of it undulating with arcane grace in its serpentine dance. His powerful legs support, giving the image of a sturdy oaks trunk and roots. Finally his oversized foot paws are graced with common sandals that seem to have walked many miles in their time.

History: Complicated and vast. Currently 'dead' and in the possession of the High Priestess


  • Grand Runic Magic (displayed by creating small glyphs)
  • Heavy physical resistance
  • Martial ability
  • Physical pain nullification
  • Undead
  • Soul-consumption
  • More coming soon

Links: More to come